Hey I’m Kelly Dunlap!
I help success-driven women 35+ address metabolic root causes & develop habits that achieve a fit lean body and life filled with energy.
Meet Your Coach
For years, I was the Queen of what I call the
“All or Nothing Start-Over Syndrome.” I was someone who was ALWAYS STARTING OVER because I repeated the same vicious cycle of destructive patterns and behaviors that kept me stuck and playing small in my life. I would do great during the week and then “fall off the wagon” on the weekends.
After many years of misery and continuously repeating the vicious cycle of destructive patterns, such as binge eating and drinking, I was finally able to break the cycle and take back control of my life.
I feel FREE and I want you to live your life feeling the same way too! xoxo
Certified First Line Therapy Health Care Practitioner
Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor
Certified Level 3 Hormonal Fat Loss Coach
Certified IN3 Level 1 Macro Nutrition Coach
Certified EFT Tapping Practitioner
Certified Life Success Coach
Certified TIME Techniques Practitioner
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certified Hypnotherapist
The Podcast
Not only does Kelly understand the importance of functional wellness, she fully believes in the in the mind body connection and how it effects your metabolism.
You don’t need to devote hours to your health and well-being, but you do need to learn how to manage your mindset and metabolism throughout the day to reach your goals.
In this podcast, Kelly talks all things mindset, metabolism, and the role your hormones play in all of this.
The Results Kelly’s Clients Are Getting:
I keep telling my husband how working with Kelly has changed my life! It isn’t just about food it’s about real change. I am so thankful to be starting a new year already down this path! It feels so great!
I feel as though all areas of my life have improved since the working with Kelly. My energy, relationships, and work have all been changed for the better. Kelly gives you the needed support, tools, and knowledge to keep going, keep improving, and change those old habits. I looked forward the weekly calls to recap or answer any questions I had. I recommend Kelly to my friends and family.
Kelly is awesome; her knowledge, advice, and guidance are priceless! It feels good to shed pounds but better to feel great and my hair shines again!
Kelly’s coaching has changed me in every aspect. I never would have thought I could feel this way. My mental, emotional and physical aspects have all improved tremendously. I was always overly stressed and never even knew how bad it was until starting coaching with her. I have been able to lower my stress level, be more active and present is everyday enjoyment, and be healthier with more energy all by changing a few food choices. It feels good to be making myself a priority!
Kelly’s coaching is definitely a life changer! Kelly has helped me lose weight, feel more energetic and focused in so many areas. The amazing thing about her coaching style is that it isn’t about the scale or a one size fits all diet plan. It’s all about making meaningful, smart lifestyle changes, planning in advance to set yourself up for success, embracing where you are, and actually loving the process! I highly recommend Kelly anyone stuck in a rut because she is your girl to get you moving in the right direction!